Vanalytics is a technology to collect visit and conversion data from your visitors to enable Vmax to optimize the experience of your pages and increase your conversion rate.
To set up Vanalytics in GTM, you’ll have to download and install a GTM template and create 4 different tags.
Custom template: Vanalytics #
Download the latest version of the template and import it in GTM.

Create Tags #
Tag: Vanalytics – Init
- Tag Type: Initialize Vanalytics
- INSTANCE ID : set the instance id as provided in your Vmax settings
- Application Page Type: select if your website is a Single Page Application or not
- Log debug info: check this box to get detailed information in the Console
- Triggering: select a relevant trigger to ensure that this tag is triggered on all pages, as early as possible during page load.

Tag: Vanalytics – AddToCart
- Tag Type Record Add to Cart
- List of Items: select the JSON object that represents the list of items added to cart
- Triggering: select a relevant existing Add to cart trigger
Tag: Vanalytics – Purchase
- Tag Type: Record Purchase
- List of Items: select the JSON object that represents the list of items purchased
- Total order value: select the JSON object that represents the order value
- Transaction ID: select the JSON object that represents the transaction id
- Triggering: select a relevant existing Purchase trigger

Tag: Vanalytics – ViewItem
- Tag Type: Record Item Viewed
- List of Items: select the JSON object that represents the item that has been viewed
- Triggering: select a relevant existing ProductView or ItemView trigger

Tag: Vanalytics – Record User Login
- Tag Type: Record User Login
- User ID: a unique ID representing the user. Be aware that using Personally Identifiable Information is not recommended
- Triggering: select a relevant existing ProductView or ItemView trigger