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Life at Verbolia

Charting Success: The Evolution of Customer Success at Verbolia

Charting Success: The Evolution of Customer Success at Verbolia

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Welcome to the latest feature on our blog, where we dive deep into the journeys and insights of those who pave the way for success in our dynamic industry. Today, we are thrilled to present an exclusive interview with our very own Customer Success Director at Verbolia. With a career marked by significant achievements and a passion for driving customer success, Robin shares with us the evolution of their role, the strategies that have led to remarkable customer outcomes, and the vision that propels our team forward. From the early days of setting the foundation for a customer-centric culture to embracing the challenges of a rapidly growing tech landscape, Robin’s journey is a testament to the power of dedication, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Q1: Can you tell us about your journey to becoming the Customer Success Director at Verbolia?

In July 2021, just two weeks after becoming a father for the first time, I joined Verbolia as the first official Customer Success Manager (CSM).

Before my arrival, Bart and Aurore managed CSM duties alongside their primary roles in product and marketing. I quickly took on the full spectrum of customer activities, creating more efficient processes and standardizing operations.

As Verbolia’s business rapidly grew, and I demonstrated resilience and consistently achieved success for our customers, the company’s leadership entrusted me with the role of Head of Customer Success in January 2022. This position came with the responsibility of developing a scalable Customer Success department.

Q2: How do you measure success in your role, and what metrics are most important for your team?

Our team’s success is intrinsically linked to the success of our customers. Our mission is simple yet profound: “making our customers successful, whatever it takes”, by helping them achieve their desired outcomes with the Verbolia solution. This commitment involves proactive engagement, being ever-ready to offer support, share knowledge, and take decisive action.

Our guiding metric is Net Revenue Retention (NRR), a key performance indicator that measures our effectiveness in retaining and expanding our customer base – crucial for the vitality of any SaaS or subscription-based enterprise.

On a personal note, I am deeply committed to nurturing a culture of trust, open dialogue, and energetic enthusiasm within our team. Making certain that every team member feels empowered, valued, and motivated is my daily guide.

Q3: Can you share some effective tactics for engaging with customers to ensure they are maximizing the value from Verbolia’s solutions?

Continuous improvement is not merely a principle but a daily practice in our customer engagement approach.

From day one we ensure that our customers are fully briefed on the setup and onboarding processes through detailed comprehensive materials and a dedicated kick-off call. During the onboarding phase, we maintain a rhythm of regular check-ins and offer the option of a temporary or permanent chat channel for instant communication. Once the Verbolia solution is up and running, we conduct in-depth onboarding calls with all stakeholders, explaining the functionalities of the Verbolia App and, when possible, recording these sessions for future reference.

Our strategy goes beyond the initial setup, including periodic reviews and performance insights to reinforce our role as trusted advisors and assist our customers in maximizing the use of our solution. We firmly believe – and have seen proof – that customers who actively engage with our Verbolia App experience the greatest benefits, thanks to the diverse functionalities our solution provides.

Moreover, as CSMs, we are also seen as sparring partners, ready to discuss any topic to improve our customers’ outcomes.

Q4: What are some of the biggest challenges you face in your role, and how do you overcome them?

Owning the customer lifecycle end-to-end places us in a unique but challenging position, requiring a multifaceted skillset to effectively serve diverse customer needs: from onboarding and solution adoption to technical support and growth. Our role also involves acting as liaisons with our IT team, contributing insights to further refine the Verbolia solution.

Of course, being at the center of the web most of the time is highly energizing. It positions us to make a significant difference, especially when customers encounter obstacles in achieving their goals, even if these are not directly linked to the Verbolia solution.

The key to overcoming obstacles lies in maintaining a positive mindset, underpinned by my team’s endless “Yes we can” attitude, which energizes us to transform challenges into opportunities.

Q5: How do you foster a culture of continuous improvement and learning within your team?

Cultivating a culture of learning and growth begins with adopting the right mindset – being eager, collaborative, and perpetually curious.

By prioritizing transparency in communication, we make it possible for all team members to have unrestricted access to information and knowledge. 

My direct involvement in projects and change management initiatives serves not only to keep me connected to the pulse of our operations but also to inspire and lead by example in our journey of continuous growth and improvement, striving for excellence in every aspect of our work.

Q6: Are there any tools or technologies that you find indispensable for your work?

The rise of Artificial Intelligence in our professional landscape is something I embrace with open arms. I truly believe in the synergy between AI’s capabilities and human intuition.

While we have not yet incorporated AI into our direct customer interactions within the CSM realm, though this may change in the future, it plays a crucial role in our daily operations, especially in our technical environment.

Q7: How do you see the role of customer success evolving as Verbolia continues to grow and introduce new technologies?

As Verbolia expands and integrates new technologies, the customer success role is set for evolution. Our current model focuses on a highly personalized, high-touch approach, offering direct one-on-one relationships with our customers. However, we recognize the need to develop standardized, automated processes that improve our ability to serve our customers effectively without compromising the personal touch that sets us apart.

Our vision for the future is filled with initiatives that build on this foundation. Imagine ‘Verbolia office hours,’ weekly conference calls where customers can engage with us on specific topics related to our solutions. Envision an annual ‘Verbolia event’ that facilitates networking and knowledge sharing among customers, showcasing how they leverage Verbolia to maximize their success. Additionally, we’re considering launching platforms for communication and forums that offer valuable insights, learnings, and best practices in SEO and SEA for the e-commerce landscape, further empowering our clients.

Our aim is to challenge the status quo in e-commerce software. For our Customer Success team, this means continuously evolving, being creative, and innovative, while staying focused and building on our foundations. It’s a delicate balance, but by staying committed to our mission of ‘making our customers successful, whatever it takes,’ we believe we’re on the path to creating something truly impactful that we can all take pride in. As Verbolia grows, our strategies and initiatives will also evolve, ready to face the future’s challenges and opportunities with confidence.

As our conversation with Robin comes to a close, we’re left with a rich tapestry of strategies, insights, and forward-thinking ideas that not only highlight the importance of customer success in today’s competitive environment but also underline the core values that drive Verbolia. The journey from the first Customer Success Manager to the Customer Success Director offers an inspiring blueprint for building and nurturing relationships that lead to sustained growth and success. As Verbolia continues to evolve and embrace new challenges, the principles of innovation, customer engagement, and continuous improvement remain at the heart of everything we do. We are excited to embark on this journey with our team, our customers, and our community, confident that together, we will achieve extraordinary things. Stay tuned for more insights and stories from the forefront of our industry, as we continue to explore what makes Verbolia a leader in e-commerce solutions.

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